
Hey everyone! Greetings from Wisconsin!

As everyone knows, I am now exchanging to UWRF(University of Wisconsin, River Falls) for a semester.

It's been a week since I arrived here and things gotten well so far.

At first, all I was concerning is my travel plans. 

And this is definetely the vital part of my journey this time.

I mean, how many times in your life can leave so far from your hometown and experience different lifestyles?

American cultures have influenced us since we were ittle.

After coming here for about ten more days, I still face culture shocks sometimes.

But those work, right? I mean that's the point why I came here.

The school day started yesterday and I totally realized what challenges I'm gonna face in the near future.

Spanish, News Topic Writing and much on-campus involvement affair to do.

Below are my recent  To-do lists:

a. Go skydiving(listed in my busket list as well)

b. Trip to Hudson, WI for the beaches 

c. Trip to Minneasota

d. Trip to Madison, WI    

I really desire to finish this checklist and looking forward to go to many places as I can before I leave!

As we know, how time flies and life is short.

Try whatever you want and seize the moments      


09/12/16 updated:

I went to Hudson last Saturday and It was awesome!

The private beach with the sunshine were impressive.

So glad my To-do list keeps moving on and on! 


-Way to the St.Croix River, which is a main stream here and head to converge with Mississipi River.

-Wonderful food with the sunbathing.

-DJ was trying to show how great the food is.

-Tim(one from left) was the host that day and we took the yacht among the river. SUPER AWESOME!  

-Babara was so nice and talkative. She said she is willing to "temporally adopt" me as her host daughter 

-OK, It was 12 centigrades and they went crazy to jump into the river. Gee! Good to have these ppl!


It was my very first time to join an American party. People here were so nice!

They worked as a group and threw the welcome party for all the international students.

It took 20 mins to get here from River Falls and the view halfway here was awesome.

Hudson is a lovely place where you can slow your paces and chillin here.

But, still, No cars means no ways. Hope my To-do list still works!

(And we had booked the tickets to Madison last night. 6 hours ride and it will be a long long way. But I know it worth it!)

I'll keep updating my daily feelings in the US as possible as I can, as this is an important part of my life:)





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